VC discloses plans to offer all programmes via ODeL
The graduation of 1036 students at the 18th Congregation held on Friday, October 18, 2024, has increased the number of graduates from the University of Livingstonia to 6398. Of the 1036 students that graduated, 553, representing 53%, were female and 483, representing 47%, were male. “With females representing 53%, we can proudly say that we have surpassed the 50-50 gender equality threshold,” remarked the Vice Chancellor, Very Reverend, Associate Professor, Timothy Nyasulu. In his address, the Vice Chancellor also disclosed that the University intends to extend delivery of all programmes to Open, Distance and e-Learning (ODeL) “to take higher education to all deserving people.”
The Guest of Honour, Professor Richard Mkandawire, who is Chairperson of the National Planning Commission, challenged the graduates to be saviours of the nation. “Malawi eagerly awaits graduates that will bring transformation to small trading centres like Tsangano and Jenda; to developing large commercial farms in Nthalire and Chikwawa; to developing processing plants in Thyolo and Mzuzu; to developing technologies that strip-out corruption in our society; and to developing systems that enhance good and effective governance” said Professor Mkandawire.
For his part, Chairperson of the University Council, Professor John Kalenga Saka, encouraged the graduates and all Malawians to continue working hard, and not to feel satisfied by what they have achieved by calling for a reflection on Roger Wills who said: “Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.”Kalenga Saka also thanked the leadership of the Synod for appointing him and other people to constitute the Unilia Council.
The General Secretary, Reverend William Tembo, urged the graduates to refrain from indulging in political violence and other ills as the country gets into the peak of activities leading to next years elections.The Graduation started with a Thanksgiving (Baccalaureate) Prayer Service which was led by Reverend, Jailos Kamisa, the Moderator of the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia and Chancellor of Unilia.The graduation, where eight students graduated with distinctions, was held at Mzuzu Stadium under the theme: Actualizing Wealth Creation and a Moral Society Through Transformative Education.

The Chancellor (in the blue gown) flanked by the
General Secretary (right) and the Guest of Honour (left)
attentively following the proceedings.

Some of the graduates jubilating during the congregation

The Vice Chancellor, Guest of Honour (in red gowns)
join the Chancellor (on the far right) and other VIPs in offering
a standing ovation to one of the students that graduated with a distinction.