Our Central Office has moved to Chabeya Mzembe House (the house that houses Voice of Livingstonia Radio Station).
On 20th January, 2023, Reverend Ruben Msowoya, Moderator of the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia, formally inaugurated the Chabeya Mzembe House and gave it to God.

In a brief live interview with VoL Radio, Reverend Msowoya, who is also the Chancellor of the University of Livingstonia – UNILIA, expressed his excitement that the University has moved from Umanyano House, which is located on the grounds of the Synod Secretariat Central office in Mzuzu, and now has enough space for its offices.
He continued by expressing his admiration for the upkeep efforts the University has made in the Chabeya Mzembe House.
The Moderator also visited several offices within the building including the office of the UNILIA Vice Chancellor where he signed in the visitors’ book as well as the studios of VoL Radio station.
Other dignitaries in attendance at the event included previous Synod General Secretary Reverend Dr. Paul Mazunda, Deputy General Secretary Reverend Isaiah Vwiyapu Mhone, Vice Chancellor Associate Professor Timothy Nyasulu, and General Secretary of the Synod Reverend William Tembo.