Moses Chitete, our agribusiness lecturer, has published a new research article, a development which takes his publications to four within two months.

In March,  Chitete was the lead author of two articles that centred on factors that enhance and hinder marketing of beans by common traders.

In the third article titled ‘Responding to inefficiencies on smallholder maize farms: Can sustained adoption of sustainable agricultural practices make a difference?, Chitete joined  Wisdom Mgomezulu and three others in examining whether, the much touted  Sustainable Agricultural Practices (SAPs) bring profits and technical efficiency to farmers. Using a case study of maize farmers,  the study found that one-time adoption of SAPs has no effect on technical efficiency of maize farmers, whilst sustained adoption significantly improves the technical and profit efficiency of maize farmers.

In the fourth and most recent publication, Chitete has joined Mgomezulu in Malawi’s search for ways of moving Malawians out of poverty.

The article titled ‘Effectiveness of pro-poor intervention on wealth accumulation and household engagement in income generation in Malawi’ reveals that giving poor people skills allows them to engage in trade and generate wealth and assets, and, consequently, graduate from poverty quickly.

The article accessed via  Effectiveness of pro-poor interventions on wealth accumulation and household engagement in income generation in Malawi or download here

Following this discovery, the article recommends inclusion of skills development in the Social Cash Transfer and Public Works poverty-bursting interventions.

Chitete said that he is very delighted with the fact his recent article has been published by Elsevier.

“Elsevier is one of the best publishers. Very few people publish through it” Chitete said.