Ekwendeni Campus is 21 kilometers from Mzuzu at Ekwendeni Mission Station. It has two faculties, Social Sciences and Theology.

The Faculty of Social Sciences aims at equipment students with analytical and practical skills in socio-economic issues, including development, economic management, human rights, gender issues, business entrepreneurship, politics, democracy and governance with a view to make a significant contribution in dealing with the numerous soci-economic challenges facing the country.
Currently the Faculty has one department, the Development Studies and Human Rights and offers:
- Bachelor of Social Science in Development Studies
- Bachelor of Social Science in Human Rights
The Faculty has been part of the University since it’s inception in 2003.
The Faculty offers the following undergraduate programmes:
- Diploma in Theology
- Bachelor of Theology
- Bachelor of Theology (Upgrading)
- Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Development Studies
Both the Diploma and Bachelor’s Degree in Theology are offered as generic or Open Distance eLearning (ODeL).
It also offers the following post-graduate programmes:
- Masters in Theology and Religious Studies
- Masters in Theology and Gender Studies
- Masters in Theology and Development Studies
For more information about the programmes offered at Ekwendeni Campus, contact the College Registrar on registrarekwe@unilia.ac.mw