With funding from the Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Universities of Livingstonia and Mzuzu will implement a project that will result to development and offering of a Master in Public Health focusing on Infectious Disease Epidemiology in Malawi.

An invitation letter to the project’s kick-off meeting indicates that the project aims at contributing towards providing good health and well being for all people as outlined in Sustainable Development Goal Number 3 (SDG3).

We expect that the project will contribute directly to Government of Malawi efforts to reach SDG3 (good health and well being) targets especially on goal 3.d: Strengthening the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks, reads the letter in part.

According to the kick-off meeting invitation letter, the project, whose local name is NOGZEKA, will be coordinated by Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research from the German side; the German Universities of Munster and Freiburg will support the curriculum development.

The University of Livingstonia will coordinate the project from the Malawi side.