A few days after being rated Malawi’s top private university based on research activities, we are greatly excited to congratulate one of our lecturers – Mr Moses Chitete of Kaning’ina Campus – for publishing research articles on the efficiency of common bean traders and Malawi’s bean marketing structure and conduct, respectively.

Generally, the two research articles explore factors that enhance and hinder marketing of beans by common traders. The articles give interesting insights considering that Malawi is in a serious drive to make agriculture a business or a profit-making activity.

Are common bean traders efficient? An empirical evidence from Malawi can be accessed via https://doi.org/10.1177/00307270231155256 or download here

Malawi’s bean marketing structure and conduct can be accessed through https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Bean_market_efficiency_data-Malawi_dta/20109080 or download here

Congratulations Mr Chitete for the publications and for raising the flag of the University of Livingstonia.