Post Tagged with: "coffee"

  • Unilia bids farewell to its Pioneers

    University of Livingstonia (Unilia) this week bid farewell to its longest-serving members at a ceremony held at it’s Kaning’ina Campus in Mzuzu. The ceremony which was graced by officials from […]


Message from the VC

The Very Rev. Assoc. Prof. Timothy P.K. Nyasulu

It is my great privilege to welcome you to University of Livingstonia! As you begin the next step of your life journey, you will find that our entire University is … Read More



  • “Upon entering the program, I had no formal knowledge in regard to educational policy, pedagogy, or educational theory, which seemed very daunting and scary when I entered my first class. My fear and insecurity quickly went aside as I interacted with the amazing lecturers of the program, but also the incredibly supportive and helpful colleagues and classmates that I interacted within all of my classes.”

    Kawanangwa Kamanga Class of 2012.

    Kawanangwa Kamanga, HoD Humanities, University of Livingstonia, Laws Campus